weiter tragen

the eurobrass newsletter

Welcome to weiter tragen, the newsletter of the nonprofit organization “eurobrass – music that goes beyond!” Whether you’ve followed the evolution of the ensemble for years or lost touch with us years ago, we’d like to use this newsletter to keep you up-to-date, to encourage you, and to urge you to “carry it further.”

The title of this publication (“weiter tragen” = “carry further”) has at least a threefold meaning. First of all, we want to distribute information about the organization and its work to a wider audience—to carry this information further than was previously possible. Secondly, we hope that you’ll pass this news on to others who might be interested in who we are and what we do. And finally, we would be very thankful if you would carry us and our work even further—to the very throne of God in prayer.

You can read the current weiter tragen here, check out previous newsletters, and subscribe to future editions. Unfortunately, weiter tragen is only available in German at this time. To those of you who welcome the opportunity to test your language skills: Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude beim Lesen!