“Celebrate Jesus wasn’t just the title of a songbook we used – we celebrated him the entire week.”
This statement from a participant summarizes our 2012 Workshop. In both private lessons and group rehearsals, we learned a lot musically—not just notes and technique, but also how to play expressively in order to communicate the deeper meaning of the music. These newly-honed skills helped us better celebrate Jesus with brass music.
During our daily Bible studies, we celebrated Jesus by singing. We sang hymns and worship songs to praise him, and deepened our experience of him through studying the Bible and praying togther. During a week of intensive playing, it did us all good to spend time with both the spoken and sung Word of God.
Between rehearsals and devotionals, we also celebrated Jesus through our time together. Our fellowship was marked by openness, great trust, and mutual respect—a gift of God that reminded us he was always in our midst. We’re thankful to have had the opportunity to celebrate Jesus during this week, and also for the encouragement to continue to celebrate him as we return to our daily lives.